AVoIP: The good, the bad, the ugly
AVoIP, or audiovisual over internet protocol, has been top of mind recently for those of us in A/V industry. Not to be confused with VoIP, or voice over internet protocol, AVoIP gives users the ability to transmit and switch A/V data over a standard ethernet network. It opens almost endless possibilities for users in terms of system control and flexibility. But there are a few things to consider before diving headfirst into the world of AVoIP.
What is AVoIP?
To break it down, AVoIP is all about sending audio and video data over traditional IP mediums, like your home or office ethernet, allowing you to easily switch the data source. Many different sources work with AVoIP, like desktop computers, media players, gaming systems, cable boxes, video cameras, etc. Likewise, a wide range of destinations are available, including televisions, laptops, desktop computers, etc.
AVoIP Commercial Use:
Before AVoIP, adding sound or video to offices, houses of worship, and other commercial buildings was expensive and complex. AVoIP makes complex installs a thing of the past with a lower cost-of-entry and less labor requirements. It eliminates the need for a large central control processor, and, in turn, the maintenance fees they required. Now, individual encoders at the data source and decoders at the destination device do all the work for you, and allow you to seamlessly switch between data and devices. So, if you’re giving a presentation, you can easily stream the presentation from your laptop to a TV in the meeting room, as well as to any other connected device in the building. Or, you can show your church’s worship notes on the large screen in the sanctuary, but also in connected overflow rooms.
AVoIP Pros:
- Easily manage all of your A/V devices from one remote location and switch between data sources.
- Unlimited ability to scale the system up since you are no longer limited to a finite number of inputs or outputs.
- Reduced costs related to installation, switching, and scaling.
- To wrap it all up, AVoIP has almost unlimited uses and capabilities, which makes it perfect for almost any industry or residence. It makes A/V integration much more accessible and easier to maintain, and offers more flexibility and control than traditional systems. If you’re thinking about integrating A/V into your life, give us a call and we’ll talk AVoIP!
AVoIP In Review:
To wrap it all up, AVoIP has almost unlimited uses and capabilities, which makes it perfect for almost any industry or residence. It makes A/V integration much more accessible and easier to maintain, and offers more flexibility and control than traditional systems. If you’re thinking about integrating A/V into your life, give us a call and we’ll talk AVoIP!