Why Accreditation is Important

Here is a question for you. How do you know you are getting the right equipment for your needs? Well, you could spend hours researching, or talking to other novices, but that advice can only point you in a direction. It can’t give you the real peace and security of working with a professional. Even then, how do you know your “professional”, isn’t just a hobbyist in disguise? They might have a fancy proposal, and seem to know what they are doing, but how do you know it won’t all fall apart once you sign on the line? The only sure way to know is by a professional accreditation, much like architects and lawyers receive. These accreditations are proficiency based, and are put into place for your protection. And lucky for you Audio-Video Group has such an accreditation, and it’s from the governing body in AV, InfoComm.
InfoComm International is the trade association representing the professional audiovisual and information communications industries worldwide. Established in 1939, InfoComm has more than 5,000 members, including manufacturers, systems integrators, dealers and distributors, independent consultants, programmers, rental and staging companies, end-users and multimedia professionals from more than 80 countries. As an ANSI Accredited Standards Developer Organization (ASD), InfoComm provides industry standards as the foundation for quality audiovisual systems. In addition, as an ANSI Accredited Certification Body, InfoComm offers the Certified Audiovisual Solutions Provider™ (CAVSP™) program — the only ANSI accredited audiovisual certification under the International Standard ISO/IEC 17024.
All of that sounds pretty impressive eh? Well not to toot our own horn, but Audio-Video Group was the first company in all of Maryland to be honored with the InfoComm Diamond level certification for CAVSP when they achieved and maintained since 2012. What this means is that working with Audio-Video Group puts you in the hands of an internationally recognized leader in AV solutions right in your own neighborhood. With hundreds of hours of training already behind them, and more than 30 hrs of training each year, Audio-Video Group maintains the highest level of certification available from InfoComm for one reason. To guarantee that Audio-Video Group delivers the highest level of quality to your next AV solution.
To learn more about our certification, or why this is important to you, contact us by visiting www.AudioVideoGroup.com, or call (800) 668-4988 today to speak with one of our certified specialists who can help you with your next project.