Conferencing Mics: To use or not to use? That is the question.

Conferencing microphones can be used for any number of events, but their most popular use today is for political meetings. That’s because they give you the option of turning the mic on and off depending on who’s speaking, they have the option of adding a voting feature directly on the mic stand, and the features can be scaled up or down depending on your specific needs. Additionally, most microphones of this nature, like Brahler’s line of conference technology, are very high quality, with crystal clear audio.

So, the big question most clients have is whether or not they need conferencing microphones. If you want to make sure things that are supposed to be heard are heard, and anything that isn’t supposed to be heard isn’t, you need to get conferencing microphones. Let us explain.

Who remembers this article from 2011?

Basically, it boils down to this. Two political leaders were speaking during what they thought was a private moment prior to a press conference. One leader said something unfriendly about a third political leader, only to find out later that his microphone was on the whole time. So his comment was broadcast for journalists from around the world to hear. Oops.

With Brahler’s line of conferencing technology, this problem could have been avoided. It’s easy to see whose microphone is on, and all equipment can be controlled with their smart conferencing software. They also have options to add even more features to your equipment, like tablets, applications, and more.

At any time during the day, you can flip to almost any television channel and see some sort of political meeting or summit. Take a minute to check out the microphones they’re using and how they use them. Then, let’s get creative! We’ve had a lot of success introducing conferencing microphones and equipment to several clients in different industries.So, if you think it might be a good option for you, or you’d like more information or a demo. Give us a call!

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