Episcopal High School Theaters

Episcopal High School Theaters
Client Success Story: Episcopal High School Theaters
Audio-Video Group’s relationship with Episcopal High School in Virginia has continued to grow and evolve over the last few years. Some of the recent work we’ve done for them has helped improve campus life for students, and expanded the class and entertainment offerings the school can provide.
EHS Pendleton Hall
Pendleton Hall is a theater on the Episcopal High School campus that seats several hundred students. Before AVG, the theater was only used for student performing arts presentations, including music recitals and choral performances, as well as large drama performances.
As a boarding school, it is important to have plenty of activities on campus for students to participate in after class and on the weekends. AVG has worked with the school to update the student lounge area, but the one thing missing from the campus was a movie theater. By redoing the majority of the facility’s sound system, and installing full surround sound and a new large format projector and large HD screen, AVG transformed Pendleton Hall into a movie theater.
In order to maintain the performing arts space within the building, AVG integrated the new equipment in a way that wouldn’t interfere with other performances. And by installing a new intercom system and a simple user control system for drama performances, the new and improved theater is ideal for all students.
Equipment Used:
- QSC – Core 110F, Digital Signal Processor
- Denon 700AV 7.1 DTS, Dolby Digital Surround Sound Receiver
- (12) QSC SR 8200 surround sound speakers
- Tascam BD-01U, Blu-ray Player
- Vivitek DU8090 Z, 8,000 lumen laser projector
- Extron 1608 switcher scaler
- Da-Lite Professional 326” diagonal screen
- (3) QSC AP-5152, two-way 15” speakers
- (2) QSC GP 218-SW, double 18” subwoofers
- (3) QSC CXD4.5Q amplifiers
- (3) Shure ULDX4Q, quad channel wireless microphone systems
- Telex 2 channel MS 2002 intercom system
- Telex 2 channel BTR-800 wireless intercom system
EHS Ainslie Hall Black Box Theater
A black box theater is (as you might have guessed) all black, and is often used for more intimate performances. On the Episcopal High School campus, the traditional Black Box Theater is located in Ainslie Hall and was very popular for student performances, as well as some D.C. theater companies who have rented out the facility. While the theater already had a full audio/video system, EHS’s Black Box Theater was in need of some upgrades.
AVG came in and upgraded the audio system, adding speakers to each corner of the room. This gives the tech team the ability to set up the direction of the speakers any way they want, even changing them from performance to performance. By adding a new processor, speakers, amplifiers, and a console, AVG helped upgrade the system, giving the techs better control over the performances. Finally, AVG installed four HD cameras in the ceiling, so that techs on the catwalk can see every spot of the theater, making it easier for them to time their actions with the performance.
Equipment Used:
- QSC Core 110f, digital signal processor
- Allen & Heath QU-16C, 16 channel digital console
- (4) QSC E12, 12” two-way passive loud speakers
- (2) QSC PLX2502, 2 channel power amplifiers
- (4) Marshall CV505-M, mini full HD, 3GHDSI 2.5MP video cameras
- (2) Black Magic Design SMTVDUO2 – HD video monitors
- Telex 2 channel MS 2002 intercom system
- Telex 2 channel BTR-800 wireless intercom system
We’ve been excited to work with EHS on a few of their on-campus projects recently, and we’re looking forward to some future projects we have planned as well. Does your A/V system need an upgrade? Give us a call!