Make Your Conference Call Better!

Most businesses, no matter the industry, take advantage of conference calls or virtual meetings on a regular basis. Believe it or not, but conference calls, in some form, have been around since the early 1900s. Luckily, we’ve come a long way since then in terms of technology. Apps and internet services have made this process much easier, but they’re useless if your equipment is outdated and outside distractions dominate the call. Here are a few things to consider when planning for your conference call equipment.
360-degree room microphone coverage
One of the best ways to improve your conference calls is to make sure you have 360-degree room coverage with your microphones. This means that anyone in the room, including anyone walking around, will be heard on the other end. By installing ceiling microphones, like Biamp’s Tesira TCM-1 with built-in DSP for beamtracking, you can easily achieve a wider microphone coverage area. We love this specific model of ceiling microphone because it requires minimal setup and it actively tracks and intelligently mixes conversations from all around the table so everyone on the call can be heard equally.
Conferencing technology
What conference technology does your office typically use? Are you hosting traditional VoIP calls, or using services like Skype for Business™ or Google Hangouts™? Do you need bring your own device capabilities, allowing other phones, tablets, and computers connect to the call? Or maybe it’s a collection of all of the above depending on the situation? Which service you use can help determine which equipment will be right for your office.
Eliminate distractions
We’ve all been on a conference call when someone’s phone started ringing, or the background noise was so loud you couldn’t even hear the person speaking. Maybe you’ve even been lucky enough to hear someone’s dog barking in the background. This can often be eliminated by using a room with thick walls, but if you’ve tried every room in your office and the other end is still getting an echo or feedback, try installing products that are specifically made to reduce background noise. Biamp’s Tesira conference call collection features acoustic echo cancelation technology that can help eliminate the problem, and reduce distractions.
There are a few important rules you should follow for conference calls, like putting your phone on silent (not vibrate!), and speaking slowly and clearly, but some distractions can’t be avoided without the right technology. With a combination of quality tech and following best practices, you can make your conference call efficient and successful.
Need help with your conference call setup? Give AVG a call!