2021 Audio-Video Trends in Review

As we wrap up 2021, it is both fun and beneficial to review the year’s top trends. Believe it or not, the national supply chain problem was not the only trend that captivated the audio-video industry this year.

Business trend watchers are also talking…

“To stay competitive in this new business and economic environment requires new strategies and practices. Our findings suggest that executives are taking note: most respondents recognize technology’s strategic importance as a critical component of the business….including audio-video and communication”—Mckinsey.com

Top 10 Audio-Video Trends of 2021

Recently, the Audio-Video Group team sat down and discussed the top trends of 2021. Here are the Top 10 Audio Video Trends seen in the DMV region (DC, Maryland, and Virginia):

  1. Live Audio Video Streaming: Recently, team Audio-Video Group published a blog reviewing the growth of live AV streaming. Local religious organizations found the benefits of live streaming early in the COVID-19 pandemic and set the trend for 2021.
  2. Hybrid and Virtual Events: Washington DC, and the surrounding region, are known for conventions and events. In 2021, organizations launched hybrid and virtual events using new audio-video solutions. As many are reporting Zoom fatigue, hybrid events are gaining in popularity. Please read our latest tips for hybrid events. Today, organizations are developing hybrid centers to provide on-site employees and virtual guests with a great experience.
  3. Huddle Rooms: Gone are the big conference rooms that seat many around a long table. This year, the new trend is “Huddle Rooms.” The rooms are cozy, high-tech rooms for a few team members to communicate with others through audio-video streaming.
  4. Video Walls: This year, schools, hospitals, retail and local organizations have added video walls to their media plan. We offer five unique ways to use a video wall at your location to follow the trend.
  5. Surround Entertainment: As visitors return to retail and restaurants, they are engaged by surround sound and video. Spatial Audio is also trending (see below). Consider surround entertainment to tell your brand’s story next year.
  6. Kiosk Upgrades: Visitors to your location may be hesitant to touch your kiosk display or point of sale display. Ask us how new audio-video solutions can upgrade your point-of-sale display and provide engagement.
  7. Digital Signage: Digital signage is widespread across the DMV region. You have seen it in metro stations, office lobbies, schools, and hospitals. Add audio-video to your digital signs and update visitors to the news in real-time.
  8. Spatial Audio: The rise in digital events has pushed spatial audio in 2021. Spatial audio surrounds your guests with sound from multiple directions, even if your guest is wearing headphones or earbuds. As events remain hybrid or digital, predictions include a further interest in spatial audio.
  9. Networked Audio: Video walls, surround entertainment, and spatial audio all lead to networked audio. Networked audio provides high-quality sound and low latency and makes a high channel count possible.
  10. Audio Video and the Cloud: As local businesses and government agencies move to grow digital collaboration tools, many are looking to the cloud. One positive of audio-video on the cloud is that you can scale your solution to grow with your company or agency.

From huddle rooms to video walls and planning a hybrid convention, audio-video has changed in our region over the past two years.

The year has presented challenges, especially with the national supply chain crisis. But the positives in our industry are significant.  Our team expects to build on these trends into 2022 and beyond.

2021 Audio-Video Wrap-Up

Our entire team would like to thank you for following our published blogs and our social media posts on Facebook and LinkedIn. For current tips and case studies, feel free to browse our library.

Next year, we will continue to provide informative posts, and we look forward to discussing your audio video goals. Scroll down and join our newsletter to make sure you are in the audio-video loop.

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