Audio-Video Group is Staying Busy Helping Our Community
![Frederick Strong](/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Frederick-Strong-Facebook-banner-1-1-1024x450.jpg)
While the COVID-19 pandemic continues to disrupt our normal ways of life, many businesses, houses of worship, schools, and other institutions are working hard to find new ways to serve their communities. Audio-Video Group is proud to be part of those efforts by working strategically with clients to help them adjust to new realities.
Houses of worship continue to hold virtual services or work with a hybrid model to accommodate reduced capacity seating. Audio-Video Group has been helping them with live streaming and recording. “It is important that the churches have great audio, video, and lighting capabilities to make the services feel full and not choppy for the congregants watching remotely,” said John Pierce, Director of Sales for Audio-Video Group.
Some churches have found that this is a great time to do projects they have been meaning to do but couldn’t figure out how to schedule around regular services. “It’s a great time to update the space,” Pierce explained, “and our technicians love it because they don’t have to account for people using the space while they work.”
Frederick Health and other substantial healthcare organizations in the Washington DC area have been updating their spaces to accommodate both remote and in-house workers. “Unified communications are critical to medical and emergency response teams,” Pierce said. “We’ve done a lot of that for these health organizations so they can strategically work as a team and maybe not have as many people in the office as they’ve had before, and with the same level of response as they would if they were all on-site doing the same thing. It turns out that they like it, they like the feel of it, and when things go back to ‘normal’ they’ll want to keep it this way.”
Other corporations have also built their unified communications capabilities so that team members can collaborate remotely on the same platform.
Hospices and assisted living facilities have benefited from Audio-Video Group’s virtual visitation stations–an interactive TV, touch screen, integrated PC with a camera on it. They are easy to use and clean, allowing those in senior living facilities to engage with friends and family and give them a realistic experience. The large screen allows them to do games and brain teasers, which is great for patients with dementia.
“We do a lot of work with private schools who are sorting out how to do distance learning and the combination of distance and in-person classrooms,” Pierce said. “It’s tricky, and it’s been great to see how the educators are stepping up to help their students succeed in this strange semester.”
Organizations of all kinds are hosting virtual events, from funeral homes live streaming memorial services to nonprofits figuring out how to host their yearly fundraising galas. “We have led the charge on that locally in Frederick,” John said. “We have a lot of great relationships with the local nonprofit sector and love working with them.”
With so many unknowns and people in every industry trying to figure out how to accomplish their goals and meet the needs of the people they serve, Audio-Video Group is proud to be helping all of our clients ensure the technical component of these challenges are as easy and user-friendly as they can be.
You don’t have to have all of the answers on how to re-open safely, we’re here to help.